Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Big brother is watching you

They made us confess . We were bound to confess .Sometimes they threaten you with things so horrible that you want it to happen to anyone but you... even if that anyone is .......
In the end we only care about ourselves. Nothing else matters . No love and no loyalty can survive in the face of relentless torture. It breaks and beats you into shape..

To Julia and Smith ... the thought police ... thought crime ...
newspeak ..the ministry of love ...the ministry of peace ..... To Big brother...
To O' Brien ... The revolution ... To power ... To the party .

Ignorance is strength. War is peace . Slavery is freedom and freedom is slavery .

To love . To doublethink . To the High , The Middle and The Low...

To the foolhardy ....

"And under the spreading chestnut tree ....
I sold you and you sold me......... "


Urchin said...

brilliant piece

anindyo said...

not really ........... i really likd d book

looop part cat said...
