Friday, April 23, 2010


For the very few friends i have made and met here ....i will just like to say a BIG THANK YOU for sticking by me and standing up for me when i needed it. If i am happy and successful at any point of my life it will be for people like you .........and i will remember your words and memories .

Finally , it has ended . The time i referred to as college 'life' ... if there was indeed any 'life' in it has ended and strangely enough i am not nostalgic .... no not one bit .

Reactions of people i have spent the last four long years of life with ,have been indeed a steep learning curve for me and they still manage to shock me even on this last day of college..... It does not indeed feel great when people you consider your "friends" ( i hate how loosely i have used that word cheapening its value ) , remark that either you'll be fired from the company you got into or the company will go bankrupt because they hired people like you !! Indeed , its not becoming of a "friend" to laugh and ridicule you for getting a job and mock you for it .. Indeed , it doesn't help to try and have fond memories of college life when people you have spent the last 4 years of your life with on civil and "friendly" terms ....... tell you , when you share your dreams of getting higher education from a reputed place....... ----- " first go and learn how to manage yourself before trying to learn man-management " ..... Yes , even on this last day they must prove that college life indeed was a bitch !

Indeed, it has not been a total waste as without teaching me what to do ... my time in this college, has taught me the what not to do , the type of people to avoid and how to react when people say stupid things ... Indeed , i have become more matured .

Indeed , these are memories that will make me forever curse myself for joining this college and the people like the above mentioned ones . Indeed , such was most of my college life ....Indeed ... I am not nostalgic ...


Urchin said...

college was such a pain in the ass...
but i liked how the 'friendship' transformed and changed its colour time to time...which is also a part of 'college life' and a very significant one..nd d events taught u 'whom do u call friends'..

SUTIRTHA said...

nice post..........i say nice bcos i always love posts writtn out of spontaneity and honesty.

i agree wid urchin too.......this is surely going to hlp u man in long learn.we learn everyday and rectify our mistakes.