Saturday, October 4, 2008

blog ?? hmm.......

A certain Mr Aamir khan names his dog after a certain someone else... a certain Big B ... calls someone something else on his blog as well...Actually, the first time i heard the word 'blog' was from a certain female friend ... "hey .. check out my blog ! "....... now being the lazy,uninformed guy i am ... i admitted i had never heard of the word ... she explained how it was sort of an online diary ....
"hmm...... i thot " ..... now , this act of blogging ... sharing one's daily random inconsequential thoughts with other equally bored, confused minds didn't seem too exciting to me .... but hey ... after the disillusioning experience of two years in an engineering college..... and two more years left to go ........ and having spend loads of time thinking about thinking ... here i am ! oh ... and i hear many make a decent amount just by blogging ..... depending the number of ' hits' one gets ...ahem... rather , one's BLOG gets .... well ... i'm not here to make money .. just to share my ramblings ...
cheers ! ........ ;-)

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